The Gold Standard in Soft Tissue Care

“Other forms of hands-on therapy – myofascial release, chiropractic, whatever – all work. But we’re talking about fixing 95 percent of problems in four visits, versus 50 percent of them in 30 visits.

– Men’s Health Magazine

Current manual therapy practices – chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy, occupational therapy, podiatry/pedorthist, osteopathy – must involve the assessment and management of the soft tissues of your body. The muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and fascia are imperative to normal musculoskeletal function (MSK). The disorders associated with these tissues, including sprains, strains, overuse injuries, entrapments, and other MSK conditions can be painful, limiting, frustrating, and without proper care and rehabilitation, be long-lasting, leading to further undesirable changes involving the kinematic chain that is important for optimal human movement.

At Winnipeg Spine and Sports Therapy, our clinicians have furthered their training to include advanced manual therapy and treatment methods, with a keen interest in ART – a non-invasive treatment system precisely engineered to locate and quickly resolve soft-tissues disorders. ART provides us with a unique diagnosis process that utilizes our ability to identify aberrations in tissue texture, tension, and movement until we have determined the root cause of a condition. Treatment then involves targeting tissue with specific ART protocols, each combining precise touch with specific patient movements to restore proper function and relieve pain. In conjunction with traditional aspects of chiropractic and physiotherapy care, our goal is to offer a thorough and complete approach to managing your MSK conditions.