Our chiropractic care focuses on your musculoskeletal (MSK) system functions, treating the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints, fascia and connective tissues that you use every day to provide pain relief and improve your physical well-being.
The MSK system supports your weight, provides physical stability, enables you to move your body, and protects your vital organs. Your MSK system connects directly to other vital systems in your body, which is why medical professionals, researchers, and the health community at large trust the spine care expertise of chiropractors to assess, diagnose, and treat musculoskeletal conditions.
With their specialized training in Spinal and Extremity Manipulative Therapy (SMT) our chiropractors provide adjustments using highly-skilled, precise movements to the vertebrae of the spine and the joints of the upper and lower extremities. This corrects joint motion to restore proper movement, improve function and treat common conditions such as back pain, neck pain, migraines and headaches.